
Firia Labs at VISION 2018 in San Antonio Nov 28 - Dec 1

Firia Labs was at ACTE's CareerTech Vision 2018 Expo in San Antonio, Texas on November 28 through December 1. Thanks to everyone who came by our booth and let us introduce CodeSpace and TEXT- BASED CODING to you!

This conference proved to be a productive time for both educators and Firia Labs. While teachers, admins, and other educators learned that taking Python to their classrooms no longer needed to be scary, we learned of some needs that we as a vendor can fulfill that will make this relationship even more rich for students and educators alike. Looking forward to continuing the momentum in computer science & STEM with all of the CTE providers!

Congratulations to Jemeil, the winner of our Explorer Kit give-away, and a big THANKS to the volunteer who helped us with the actual drawing.

For more information about this conference, please visit http://www.careertechvision.com

For more information about our kits, including the Firia Labs Explorer, please visit https://www.firialabs.com/collections/kits